MIDF on top of the world!
After weeks of preparation and anticipation, the MIDF expedition team comprising 11 members set off on an adventure of a lifetime – the climb up the majestic Mount Kinabalu.

The team comprises of:
1. Tan Sri Abdul Rahman Mamat
2. Che Puan Nur Julie Gwee Ariff
3. En. Ahmad Farouk Mohamed
4. Tuan Sheikh Shahruddin Sheikh Salim
5. Pn. Zarina Abdul Rahman
6. En. Muhammad Syafiq bin Eman
7. En. Mohd Budiman bin Abd Razak
8. En. Nur Hisyam bin Kamarun Majif
9. Pn. Nor Nadia Atiqah Ahmad
10. Mr. Lee Ming Hao
11. En. Sudirman Mohd Alwi
The MIDF expedition team was also joined by En Izzat Rahman, Tan Sri Abdul Rahman’s son.
The team departed for Kota Kinabalu, Sabah on 25 August 2023 and headed to Kundasang where they stayed the night. The next morning of 26 August 2023 and headed to Kundasang where they stayed the night. The next morning 26 August 2023, the team made their way to Kinabalu Park to check in for the climb. After checking in, they regroup at the Timpohon Gate to commence their 6-kilometre climb to Laban Rata. The team commenced their climb at about 10 a.m. and gradually arrived at Laban Rata later in the afternoon. The elevation gain was 1406 metres, from 1866 metres at Timpohon Gate to 3272 metres at Laban Rata. The team stayed at Laban Rata that night to acclimatize to the altitude for the rest of the climb. The temperature at Laban Rata that night was about 9 degrees Celsius.
On Sunday, 27 August 2023 at 2 a.m., the team started their last 2.5-kilometre hike to the summit of Mount Kinabalu. It took between 3 to 5 hours on average from Laban Rata to the summit which is Low’s Peak, i.e. the highest point of Mount Kinabalu at 4095.2 metres. The team reached the summit in different groups, depending on their respective pace. The team was blessed with good weather that day – it was a cold and windy morning but it did not rain. The temperature at the summit was about 6 to 7 degrees Celsius.
After enjoying the most breathtaking view at the top of Mount Kinabalu, the team descended from the summit reaching back to Laban Rata in time for breakfast. After breakfast and checking out, they started to descend back to Timpohon Gate. All team members arrived safely back to TImpohon Gate that day.
Congratulations to the entire team on an amazing accomplishment and thank you, especially to Tan Sri Abdul Rahman, for continuing to be an inspiration to us all!