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Should you encounter any issues that pertain to questionable acts, breach of policies or unethical behaviour from our management or employees, do reach out to us. We will investigate and address the issue immediately.
MIDF’s ABC Policy serves to ensure that the organisation fully complies with Section 17A of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2009.
Our Gifts and Corporate Hospitality Policy ensures that employees adhere to the Company’s Code of Conduct in giving or accepting Gifts or Corporate Hospitality.
MIDF condemns all forms of bribery to gain advantage over decisions or influence favourable treatment. If you experience any bribery requests when doing business with us, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Integrity & Governance.

To ensure that any business activity undertaken by the Group is free from corruption or internal fraud, the Integrity & Governance Unit (IGU) was established in April 2020.

Learn more