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MIDF's 3rd Green Conference shakes things up for participants

This year's MIDF Green Conference 2023 played on the theme of "Shaking Things Up", as part of efforts to promote ESG principles amongst corporates and the wider community, as we face increasingly urgent environmental challenges and can no longer ignore the need for sustainable change. 

MIDF Green Conference 2023 Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad

Held on 15 June, the conference attracted more than 400 participants, comprising representatives from corporates, small and medium enterprises (SMEs), Government-related agencies, non-profits and the media. In his keynote address, YB Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad, Minister of Natural Resources, Environment and Climate Change, urged participants to collectively play their part in addressing issues of climate change.

The conference also featured a diverse range of topics across five panel sessions throughout the day, including corporate promises on climate change, ESG integration for SMEs, balancing ESG and energy transition, discussion on the Bursa Carbon Exchange; as well as water security and sustainability. 

For recordings of the sessions, visit MIDF YouTube channel here

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