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MIDF taja "Projek Soonut Ganu Kiter" siri 2

MIDF merupakan penaja utama Projek Soonut Ganu Kiter Siri 2 yang telah dilaksanakan pada 18 Februari 2023 di SK Bukit Anak Dara, Kijal, Kemaman, Terengganu.

MIDF receives Silver Award at AIGA 2022

MIDF received the Silver Award at the Anugerah Integriti, Governans dan AntiRasuah (AIGA) 2022 award ceremony which was held on 18 January 2023 at Auditorium IIM.

MIDF Amanah Investment Bank wins Alpha Southeast Asia’s Award for Best Syndicated Loan of the Year 2022

MIDF Amanah Investment Bank Berhad (MAIB) received the “Best Syndicated Loan of the Year 2022” award for OMS Group Sdn Bhd’s Multi-Currency Syndicated Facilities at Alpha Southeast Asia’s 16th Annual Best Deal & Solution Awards 2022 award ceremony held in Kuala Lumpur on 7 February 2023.


Deputy Minister of MITI visits MIDF

Deputy Minister of International Trade and Industry (MITI), YB Liew Chin Tong held his first official visit to Menara MIDF on 18 January 2023. He was accompanied by representatives from MITI including Ms. Ng Wei Ling, Senior Private Secretary (SUSK), as well as the communications team and the Deputy Minister’s Special Officers.

MIDF fulfils 2021 business zakat obligation​

As one of the five pillars of Islam, zakat is a form of obligatory charity that has the potential to ease the suffering of millions of less fortunate people.